The Benefits of Migrating Your SIEM Solution to the Cloud
SIEM’s Role in Network Security Analysis and Monitoring Before we get started with our article discussing the benefits of migrating your SIEM, we want to lay the groundwork for the discussion
How EDR Solutions are Bolstering Cybersecurity Defenses
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), also referred to as endpoint detection and threat response (EDTR), is an endpoint security solution that continuously monitors end-user devices to detect and respond to
Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is Changing SecOps
XDR emerged as a market category in response to the complexity of collecting, aggregating, analyzing, and investigating the thousands of alerts thrown off by dozens of security technologies. The basic
The Benefits of Using a SIEM to Improve IT Security
A SIEM’s Role in Network Security Analysis and Monitoring We put together a series of blog posts that deal with Network Security Design and Log Monitoring that are hopefully providing you
Why Log Monitoring and Management is Critical to IT Security
Why Log Monitoring and Management is Critical to IT Security In our last blog post titled “The Fundamentals of Network Security Analysis and Monitoring” we discussed active versus passive security devices,